
About Us

Welcome to AquaHeal, where we estimate the quality index of drinking water and predict the presence of water borne diseases in every region. Founded in 2024, our mission is to provide with an accurate estimate of the drinking water quality index in the given region and to help in predicting the presence of water borne diseases in different regions. At AquaHeal, we believe in providing the accurate results, which is reflected in everything we do. We are committed to delivering to our customers and providing them with the best services.

Meet the faces behind AquaHeal. Our team is comprised of talented individuals who are passionate about serving customers on essentials for survival - "water" . With a common vision, we work together to bring you the best of our services. We are always here to help. We value your input and look forward to connecting with you. Thank you for visiting us. We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you with excellence.


Welcome to our organization dedicated to combating waterborne diseases through research, education, and advocacy. Together, we strive to improve access to clean water and sanitation to prevent these illnesses and protect communities worldwide. Thank you for joining us in this important mission.


The vision of AquaHeal is to improve public health by providing accurate estimates of drinking water quality indices and predicting the presence of waterborne diseases. We aim to empower communities with the information they need to protect themselves from water-related illnesses and ensure access to safe drinking water for all.

Our Team

Aman Trivedi

Kunal Mukherjee

Sainy Mishra

Teresa Sara Saji